Broken-Hearted Boy
Why am I doing this, “get in the shape of your life thing” anyway? People must be saying, “Shouldn’t you be [...]
Why am I doing this, “get in the shape of your life thing” anyway? People must be saying, “Shouldn’t you be [...]
I am six months into my Project 60+ and I thought it would be a good opportunity to take stock [...]
What is it about the allure of the six-pack? Not the beer variety (Lord knows I understand that allure too well) [...]
Dear Walking, It has become abundantly clear that I owe you an apology. Whether you’ve known it or not, (I suspect [...]
Earlier this summer I had to send a cousin some information. I asked for his email address and he told me [...]
(Mid-August 2020) Although I had thought my butt had set roots deep into our couch, that forcibly kept me in [...]
So, I’m a couple of weeks into what I’m calling my project 60 - getting into the best shape of [...]
It is mid-July of the cursed year 2020. I, like much of the world, have been holed up in my [...]