Project 60 Plus2023-07-11T23:48:33+00:00


I’m Dave Beatty and welcome to Project 60+.  It’s the place where I explore the ins and outs, the power and potential, of living well into our later years.  Too often the final third of our lives is marred by ill health, immobility, and frailty.  However, it doesn’t have to be this way.  Surprisingly, there’s plenty we can do to influence the quality of our later years – live ‘em up, don’t wait ‘em out?  The choice is very much in our hands.

At 59, I was headed down the wrong road. I was a physical disaster!  So, I set a goal to get into the best shape of my life by my next birthday and Project 60 was born. (Full story here)  Now, I’m talking to the experts, working out, experimenting on myself, and doing whatever it takes to tip the scales in our favour. Consider me a crash test dummy for healthy aging!  I’ll share news, insights and advancements on all things aging, as well as a few stories about some pretty incredible seniors.  So, stick the rocking chair in storage and join me on the road to living an active, healthy, and rewarding life.

Latest Blog

How I shut my Caveman down and became pro protein.

How I shut my Caveman down and became pro protein. Recently I’ve been trying to drop a few pounds.  To do that I’ve been exercising and following the Mediterranean diet which isn’t really a diet as much as it is a healthy-eating plan (see this blog post).  So, am I on the right track? Well yes, but here’s where I [...]

“Don’t fear moving slowly forward…fear standing still.”
— Kathleen Harris

“Run often. Run long. But never outrun your joy of running.”
— Julie Isphording

“Run in the morning … before your brain figures out what your body is doing!”

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